As a guest at the opening event, the initiator of the Alzheimer's Café in Transylvania, Dr. Gabriella Kiss, a specialist in mental hygiene, held a presentation entitled Dementia and family – the path from diagnosis to the person, during which she offered a historical overview of mental decline in old age, spoke about the symptoms and stages of dementia, the role of the family in patient care, alternatives to person-focused care, as well as about forms and stages of dementia, formal and informal ways of training caregivers much more. The lecturer also introduced the audience to concepts such as experience-oriented accompaniment and care. After the presentation, concrete case studies were discussed, while members of the public had the opportunity to share their experiences and ask questions to the experts present. The main sponsors of the event were old friends and sponsors of the Caritas Catolica Association, spouses Jan and Coby Willemsen from the Netherlands.
Self-help group relaunched for caretakers of demented patients
We have relaunched the Alzheimer Café self-help group in Oradea on May 12, 2023, Jointly organized by the Caritas Catolica Association and the Csillagvaros Foundation with the intention of creating a tradition.