Sister M. Renate, was born Elisabeth Meier on October 29, 1942, in Kreuth, Regensburg district, Germany. She came from a deeply religious Catholic farming family. In 1956, she joined the Mallersdorf convent, where she continued her education and later earned a qualification as a kindergarten teacher. Her life was marked by a commitment to education and helping children, beginning her career at the Mariä Heimsuchung kindergarten in Munich.

In 1990, with the political changes in Romania, the Mallersdorf sisters were allowed to return to their work there. Sister Renate was enthusiastic about this opportunity and arrived in Odorheiu-Secuiesc in 1993, where she worked in a kindergarten for disadvantaged children. She learned Hungarian and quickly became a vital and respected support for the community. Later, she moved to Szépvíz, where she played a crucial role in building a new children's home and selected 16 orphaned children from a state institution to join this new home. After the home became operational, she returned to Odorheiu-Secuiesc, where she supported young nuns in their spiritual formation.

In 1999, Sister Renate took charge of a new mission in Oradea, overseeing a kindergarten for disabled children, providing care for the poor, and establishing a support point for travelers from the motherhouse. This marked a new chapter in her life, where she devoted her energy, skills, and love to the most vulnerable members of society. Through her efforts, countless good things were accomplished for the disadvantaged in Oradea and the surrounding areas. She also garnered significant support from Germany, bringing in resources to help alleviate various local needs.

The Oradea center flourished under her leadership for nearly two decades, during which time she made a lasting impact on the community. Sister Renate was known for her direct, kind, and compassionate manner. She provided trust and security to everyone who sought her help, including the poor, orphans, and disabled children.

In 2019, due to her declining health, Sister Renate retired after 26 years of service in Romania. At her farewell in Oradea, Bishop László Böcskei summarized her work with these words: "Day by day, she lived her vocation. Following in the footsteps of her founder Nardini, she quietly, simply, and consistently helped those in need. Through her care, they received much trust and security. Through her way of life, God's love became visible to them."

After returning to the Mallersdorf motherhouse, Sister Renate continued to help for two more years before accepting care in the convent's protected ward. She passed away peacefully on September 17, 2024, at the age of 82, surrounded by the prayers of her fellow sisters.

Sister Renate's life was defined by selfless service and love for the needy. Her work in Romania, particularly in Oradea and Székelyföld, had a profound impact on countless children, the poor, and the disadvantaged, who benefited from her tireless efforts over many years.